The most recent publication of Heb Yr Seren (Quoth The Star), the monthly shire newsletter.
An archive of all past newsletters can be found HERE.

“Quoth the Star”
February 2025
Volume 2, Issue 1
Mynydd Seren Calendar for February

- Feb 1: Chatelain report due, Rapier report due, Seneschal report due, Festival of Maidens 50
- Feb 2: Business meeting: 4pm
- Feb 3: Heavy practice: Western Skateland, 8-10pm
- Feb 5: Rapier practice: Western Skateland, 6:30-9pm
- Feb 6: A&S meeting: MCPL Room 214, 7-9pm
- Feb 8: Val Day
- Feb 10: Heavy practice: Western Skateland, 8-10pm
- Feb 11: Dance practice: MCPL Room 2A, 7-9pm
- Feb 12: Rapier practice: Western Skateland, 6:30-9pm
- Feb 15: Webmin report due
- Feb 17: Heavy practice: Western Skateland, 8-10pm
- Feb 18: Bardic Night: MCPL Room 214, 7:30-9pm (changed due to room unavail)
- Feb 19: Rapier practice: Western Skateland, 6:30-9pm
- Feb 22: Bonus A&S: MCPL Room 2A 1:30-3:30, food after
- Feb 23: Newsletter submissions due
- Feb 24: Heavy practice: Western Skateland, 8-10pm
- Feb 25: Dance practice: MCPL Room 2A, 7:30-9pm (time changed slightly)
- Feb 26: Rapier practice: Western Skateland, 6:30-9pm
Event Recaps
Mynydd Seren Yule Gathering, by Yngerame Erskyne
And lo, another winter gathering has come and gone. Good gentles from near and far joined us in our feast and revelry, and there were many faces that we had not seen in a long time, as well as a few who were new to us! A couple of new people were introduced to us and got to discuss their interests in armoring and fighting.
Some gaming was done, mancala and Gluckhaus most popular, with many other games available for the fun of good gentles.
Our now-annual craft supply swap was a huge success, and the author both divested themselves of some supplies and brought some new ones home, as is traditional.
The feasting was wonderful and enjoyed by all! Wonderful stews, many breads and snacks, some real medieval ‘gynger brede’ and a delightful Russian cream.
Feasting was followed by carol singing and dancing, until we (maybe just I) became too tired to go on. I look forward to next year’s Yule Party!
A&S Corner
Have a project you’re really proud of? Want to show off what you can do? Send in photos, write-ups, or brags along with a release form to:
Recently completed coronets for the Barony of Shadowed Stars Coronets done by Percy!
Asian Spinning: An Ongoing Project
I have recently gone off the deep end!
Okay, so that was honestly a while ago, but I have been doing a deep dive into a new and fascinating (to me) topic: Asian Spinning.
With the SCA being as EuroCentric as it is, not many people look at Asian or other spinning, and most see drop spinning and think “that’s it” when it’s not! There’s so much more cool stuff to do with spinning and with fiber arts in general.
I’m doing my Queen’s Prize Tournament Research paper over the various forms of Asiatic spinning, what kinds of spinning were used in each culture, and what each culture’s spinning wheel looked like. If you have comments, questions, or suggestions for this paper, or would like to help edit it, or want to read it for funsies, let me know!
I will gladly share this everyone, because everyone should get to share what makes them tick.
Fujiwara no Murasaki (SCA)
Thora Beaumarchais (mundane)
Speaking of new interests… I will soon be beginning an experiment learning backstrap weaving soon! If you have any tips for that I would love to get together at an A&S sometime!
– Yngerame
Awards and Achievements
If you know someone who deserves an award, recommend them here:
Two awards were given out during the Newsletter’s break:
Guinnevere got an AoA
Murasaki (née Thora) got a Dragon’s Heart
Please congratulate them both next time you see them!!
The Shire of Mynydd Seren presents: Constellation Academy of Defense
Please join us for fencing and fun on May 9-11th 2025 at McCormick’s Creek State Park:
240 McCormicks Creek Park Road, Spencer, Indiana 47460
Gate opens 6pm Friday, site closes 11am Sunday
Adult Member Registration: $15
Non-Member Fee: $10
Children 0-17 are free
Lunch: $5, led by Viggy with help from Sionnain
Feast: $10, planned by Percy and led day of by Rashid
Cabin space is included with registration and camping is available, but no stakes can be used.
Find more information at:
Or contact Event Steward Yngerame at
The Shire of Mynydd Seren Presents: A Genteel Affair and Courtier’s Tourney
Mynydd Seren is happy to announce a new dance event – A Genteel Affair!
A Genteel Affair is planned for October 11, 2025 in Mynydd Seren, Constellation (Bloomington, IN). It will be a one day event packed with classes and fun.
A Genteel Affair will focus mainly on dance, with 3-4 dance tracks and a grand Ball after Feast, but will also feature all manner of courtly arts. If you are not as interested in dancing, there will be chances to game, join a sewing circle, fence, and bet on your favorite fighter (using tokens of course, no actual gambling)! If you would like to know more about our new event, please feel free to contact me on Facebook, or send an email to
We are currently looking for dance teachers for A Genteel Affair! There will be 3-4 dance tracks, and many available teaching slots. We are looking for any skill level, beginner to advanced. We are also looking for a handful of classes about Courtly Arts, whether that is a class about embroidery or a class on the history of courtiers. If you are interested in teaching a class, please contact our class coordinator Maedhbh on Facebook at Mikaela Renshaw, or email her at or
Information on site, registration, feast, hotels, schedule, etc. will be updated as planning continues.
Genteel Affair will also be playing host to Master John Inchingham’s Tournament of the Perfect Courtier! If you want to compete to be the Perfect Courtier and prove yourself in both chivalry and strength, please join us at A Genteel Affair!
Mynydd Seren Officers List
- Seneschal: THL Yngerame Erskyne |
- Rapier Marshal: Warder Liu Kuaici |;
- Armored Marshal: Hugi Orladerson | TBA
- Exchequer: Herr Parzival Angist |
- Herald: Sir Alan Culross | TBD
- Chatelaine: Warder Maedhbh Ní Manainn |
- MoAS: Herr Parzival Angist |
- Dance Mistress: Ly Yngerame Erskyne |
- Bardic Master: Lord Taran of Mynydd Seren |
- Webminister: Herr Parzival Angist |
- Soc Med officer: Liaden Orlanderson |
- Chronicler: THL Yngerame Erskyne |
- Historian: Lord Taran of Mynydd Seren |